Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Blog Prompt Week 6

The news media should be blamed for the unhealthy paparazzi culture and going to the extremes for sensational news. How far do you agree?

Recently there was the case of Rupert Mudoch phone scandal where the organisation hacked a phone to get information to publish in the newspaper. So, can the news media be blamed for the unhealthy paparazzi culture going to the extremes for sensational news?

Logically speaking, I would disagree with the statement. I believe that everything is done for a reason while for this case it would be getting more viewers and earning more money. Besides that, as the citizens, we should have the rights to know things happening in the area. For example, I lived in the neighbourhood where the murder was committed and I would like to know more to ensure my safety.

However, I personally feel that hacking in other people's private live for our own benefits is wrong and should be blamed. Some things should be kept private and not opened to the public, as we say confidential. And this gives the news media no rights to publish those information. For instances, if you were the mother of the victim, and you son is published in the newspaper, things you do not want to public to know, how would you fell? And how about now? where the hunter got hunted down??

Blog Prompt Week 5

By the end of the trial scene, do you think true justice and mercy was achieved? Reflect and write on the following questions.

It is truth that justice was achieved in the trial scene. Some evidence would be the fact that Shylock was a Jew and had the chance to speak in the court. During that days, Jews did not have much freedom and were looked down by the Christian. Another evidence that is able to support the statement would be the fact that the Portia went with Shylock. Shylock wanted the contract and he got what he wanted.

However, we cannot ignore the fact that Portia is a female and in those times female were not allow to go into courts and the fact that it is impossible to get a pound of flesh without having any blood. Portia knew it and used it to trap Shylock.

As for Mercy. Mercy was performed by sparing Shylock's life and giving Shylock the chance to covert into a Christian. This can be seen that Antonio is giving Shylock another chance. Furthermore, Antonio said that he will be giving the money to Jessica, Shylock's daughter when Shylock pasted away. This shows mercy.

However, we are not able to assure the statement. By taking away Shylock's fortune and religion, is as well as killing Shylock. Most probably Shylock will not be accepted in the society. This can be said that is the revenge of Antonio.